Practice Areas

Why contact a Cape Coral personal injury law firm? It’s a fact of life, accidents will happen. Our clients often contact our offices with questions when they have been injured in an accident through no fault of their own. The Cape Coral personal injury attorneys at the Wolfson Law Firm serve their clients in many ways. Accident victims often seek our advice for the following;

  • Cape Coral wrongful death personal injury accident attorney
  • Slip and fall personal injury accident lawyer in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral car crash lawyer personal injury attorney
  • Pedestrian accident personal injury lawyer in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral premise liability personal injury attorney
  • Medical malpractice personal injury lawyer in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral boating accident personal injury attorney
  • Cape Coral roadway debris car crash personal injury attorney
  • Texting and driving accident injury lawyer in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral defective product personal injury attorney
  • Bus accident personal injury accident lawyer in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral workplace injury personal injury lawyer
  • Bicycle accident personal injury lawyer in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral assault and battery personal injury attorney
  • Rear-end highway car crash lawyer in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral dangerous intersection automobile accident attorney
  • Trip and fall personal injury attorney in Cape Coral
  • Cape Coral distracted driver car crash accident personal injury lawyer

If you have been injured in an accident through no fault of your own, you may be wondering if you have a case. If you have questions about filing a personal injury case, contact the Wolfson Law Firm at (239) 471-0714 for a free consultation.

Cape Coral

Known by the locals as “the Cape”, the community of Cape Coral is located on Southwest coast of Florida. Cape Coral was established in 1957 through the vision of brothers Jack and Leonard Rosen. With a passion to build a planned city, they purchased the area known as Redfish Point, which covers approximately 103 square miles located on the coast of Southwest Florida. Together they formed the Gulf American Corporation which promoted home sales in the region. Print, radio, and newspaper advertisements were placed in the northern United States, as well as in France, Germany, and other European countries. Celebrities were also brought in to aggressively market home sales in the area. The company took a unique approach, called team-selling, to sell the properties as interested parties were invited to attend a free dinner, whereby an experienced salesperson would work to close the deal within 90 minutes. Buyers would sign a contract and agree to move to the property within six months. They could cancel their contract if they were not satisfied. This proved to be a highly successful sales model, leading to the opening of 24 satellite locations throughout the country. In addition, the group worked out an arrangement with an airline to charter flights to the area. Within the first year, sales topped over $9 million.

As more people moved to the city, the developers focused on much-needed infrastructure to accommodate the growth. Rather than seeking funding from banks, the sales contracts were factored as a means to provide the funds for infrastructure. From this, roads and bridges were built. In 1958, the Harney Point Road was built, soon to be followed by the Cape Coral Parkway and Coronado Parkway. An extensive canal system was constructed that currently covers over 400 miles today, giving Cape Coral the honor of being known as the “Water Wonderland.” Additional building continued as Cape Coral grew. In 1958, the Cape Coral Yacht Club was constructed. Later construction included the building of City Hall, shopping centers, and medical facilities. In 1964, the Cape Coral Bridge was built, creating a direct route to Fort Myers. The city of Cape Coral was incorporated in 1970 and continued to grow until the real estate market slowed considerably in 2008.

The warm tropical weather and close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and the Caloosahatchee River has contributed to Cape Coral’s large retirement community. The city’s natural habitat draws tourists to visit its extensive park and nature preserves, which are filled with birds and wildlife native to the area. Nature enthusiasts can see burrowing owls, which Cape Coral has the largest population of in the state. Cape Coral is also family-friendly, offering multiple residential neighborhoods, parks, and schools, in addition to museums and cultural centers. The city has a population of 170,063, of which 73.4% are white, 19.9% are Hispanic, and 3.8% are African American. Cape Coral has a large retirement community, pushing the median age of its residents to 45. The median household income is $52,000 and the median property value in the area is $173,400.

The city offers numerous recreational activities, including over 30 parks and 7 golf courses. Sunsplash Water Park and the Major League Baseball Player Mike Greenwall’s “Bat-A-Ball Family Fun Park” are located within the city. There are also three senior centers located in the area including the Lake Kennedy Senior Center, the Friendship Centers of Cape Coral and the Tony Rotino Senior Center. Its extensive canal system, spanning over 400 miles, provides residents and tourists the ability to enjoy water activities, such as kayaking and boating.

The city also has an eye on its public works functions. Cape Coral was the first city to use reverse osmosis on a large scale in its water purification process. In addition, the city has a unique system that highly treats sewage to produce reclaimed water, which is subsequently recycled and used for irrigation.

Cape Coral Road Hazard Personal Injury Attorneys

Extensive traffic on the roadways causes hazards to drivers every day. Whether it is commuters speeding to work, semi-tractor trailers or other large commercial vehicles travelling to a jobsite, or the influx of tourists unfamiliar with the roads, driving in Cape Coral can be dangerous to all on the road.

However, other hazards exist for drivers that extend beyond the volume of cars on the roadways. Cape Coral often has roadway construction projects underway. While improving the roads is necessary, road construction can contribute to accidents. Whether it is improper or untimely notification to drivers that construction is underway, loose debris, or confusing signs, these hazards can result in serious, even catastrophic, injuries when accidents occur. In addition, poor roadway maintenance, such as potholes, fading paint, broken guardrails, or missing street signs can cause motor vehicle accidents. Even design flaws, such as poor identification of cross walks and intersections, lack of drainage, and short on-ramps can contribute to an accident.

Given the speed that cars travel on the roads, accidents that occur due to roadway construction, poor design or lack of maintenance can result in serious, even catastrophic, injuries to drivers, as well as passengers. Extensive and long-term medical treatment may be required, most likely interfering with the ability for the victim to work. The extent of the injuries may be so severe that they require long-term care and assistance. In addition, the damage to a driver’s vehicle may require significant repair. If you or someone that you love has been injured in accident that resulted from roadway debris, defects, or a lack of maintenance, contact the Wolfson Law Firm at (239) 471-0714 for a free consultation. If the accident resulted in the loss of your loved one, our personal injury attorneys can help you to file a wrongful death suit as a means to help you and your family to relieve the financial pressures of your loss.

The Wolfson Law Firm proudly serves residents in Cape Coral and the surrounding communities of Bonita Springs, Sanibel, Fort Myers, and Pine Island. If you or your loved one has been injured in an accident through no fault of your own, contact the Cape Coral personal injury attorneys at the Wolfson Law Firm at (239) 471-0714. We can answer your questions. We are here to help.

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