
What Should You Do After a Cape Coral Car Accident?

Car accidents disrupt our lives. Between repairing your car and seeking medical help, even a minor crash can throw a wrench into our day or lives. The Cape Coral car accident lawyers at Wolfson & Leon know what to do and how to help you. Call them right now for your free consultation at (239) 471-0714.

But what happens when you suffer from severe injuries in a car crash? Would you know what to do in a serious Cape Coral car accident? If you or someone in your family has suffered devastating injuries, do you know who to turn to for help? How do you pay your bills if you can’t go back to work? What happens if you can’t afford your medical care?

Many times, our first instinct is to call our car insurance company. After all, we’ve paid our premiums promptly for years, so why wouldn’t you turn to your insurance agent? Reporting the crash to your insurance agent is a good first step when you sustain property damage.

But if you or a family member were severely hurt in a car accident, speaking to a Cape Coral car accident lawyer may be your best first step. Depending on the circumstances around the accident and how badly you were injured, you could be compensated for your medical care, repair damaged property, replace lost income, and compensate you for non-financial costs, including pain and suffering, emotional trauma, loss of consortium, and mental anguish.

Five Steps to Take When Hurt in a Cape Coral Car Accident

Seeking medical care may seem obvious after a bad accident. But seeing a doctor is always a good idea, even in a minor crash. Injuries to a person’s neck, back, or head aren’t always apparent when the accident first happens. Instead, it could take a few hours or days before you feel the effects of a Cape Coral car accident.

Preserving the crash scene can be critical to your case in an accident. After seeking medical treatment, the key steps to take after a severe Cape Coral automobile accident include:

  • Report the accident to the local police: Sometimes, it may seem more of a hassle to file a report with the local police station. Or the other party may ask you not to contact the police because their car insurance rates may go up. To protect your rights, it is always a good practice to file a police report after an accident.
  • Preserve the accident scene: Most accident scenes are promptly cleaned up to remove any dangers and allow traffic to continue moving. You can preserve the accident scene by using your smartphone for videos and pictures. When getting photo documentation, you should try to get shots of anything that may have caused or contributed to the accident. Pictures of the damage from multiple distances and angles and photo evidence of the injuries sustained can be helpful.
  • Driver information – Ask the other vehicle’s driver for name and insurance information.
  • Write down what you can remember – Car accidents can be so traumatic that you may not remember many details of the crash. As soon after the accident as possible, try writing down the points you can remember about the accident, such as how fast you were traveling, did anyone run a red light or failed to yield while getting onto the highway, or do you recall obstacles lying in the road.
  • Limit your conversations – A severe car accident can leave you disoriented and confused. Information you share during this time could be used against you, so limiting your discussions with the other driver, passengers, or witnesses is helpful. If you or a family member endured severe injuries in a car crash, your first call might be to a Cape Coral car accident lawyer. Knowing what your rights are is essential to protecting them.
Think You Can’t Afford Legal Help in a Cape Coral Car Crash?

Many of us think we cannot afford to get help from a lawyer. So, we may end up defending ourselves or working through the insurance company. Sometimes, we just drop pursuing a claim because we don’t have the time or expertise to do so.

At Wolfson & Leon, our Cape Coral automobile car accident attorneys understand the financial stress a crash places on a family. Yet, we also understand families’ financial strain when they cannot pay for medical care or have no income to pay their household bills.

At Wolfson & Leon, we don’t think it’s fair that the only people who get legal representation are those who can afford it. So, our team of Cape Coral car crash lawyers works on contingency. This fee arrangement means you only pay for our legal help when we settle your case. You don’t have to worry about paying a retainer or coming out of pocket for your legal fees, as any amounts due to us come from your settlement.

Cape Coral

Cape Coral, nestled in the southwestern region of Florida, is a captivating city renowned for its intricate canal system, scenic waterfronts, and flourishing community. Established in 1957 as a master-planned community, Cape Coral's distinctive layout encompasses more than 400 miles of navigable canals, bestowing upon it the moniker "Waterfront Wonderland." This expansive canal network offers residents and visitors the opportunity to indulge in activities such as boating, fishing, kayaking, and paddleboarding.

With a population surpassing 190,000 residents, Cape Coral is one of the largest cities in the state. Its subtropical climate, characterized by warm temperatures year-round, is a magnet for individuals seeking a leisurely lifestyle and outdoor pursuits. The city boasts over 30 recreational parks, numerous golf courses, and nature preserves that showcase Florida's diverse ecosystems.

The Cape Coral Yacht Club and Beach stands as a prime attraction, featuring a sandy beach, fishing pier, and marina facilities. The city's cultural scene has been expanding over the years, with art festivals, live music events, and theatrical performances contributing to its vibrant atmosphere.

One of Cape Coral's distinctive features is its real estate landscape, largely composed of waterfront properties along the canals. This layout has driven consistent growth in both residential and commercial sectors, contributing significantly to the city's economic vitality. The real estate market is characterized by a mix of single-family homes, condos, and vacation rentals, catering to various preferences.

In conclusion, Cape Coral, Florida, stands as an alluring destination celebrated for its intricate canal network, aquatic recreations, and vibrant community. The city's blend of relaxation, outdoor adventures, and cultural offerings make it a sought-after location for residents and visitors alike.

Cape Coral Car Accident Injury Law Firm

For 60 years, the car accident lawyers at Wolfson & Leon have vigorously fought to get the best settlement possible for people hurt in car crashes that were not their fault. Our Cape Coral car crash lawyers understand the physical, mental, and emotional stress families suffer after a loved one has been badly hurt. We know the extreme financial strain accident victims face when they cannot pay for their medical care, nor can they pay everyday household expenses. Whether your case keeps us at the negotiating table or takes us to court, we work tirelessly to defend your rights to a fair settlement.

You can speak with a Cape Coral car accident lawyer today by calling (239) 471-0714.

Client Reviews
"All I can say is WOW! I have never met such a professional law team. They are caring and put your needs above money. I guess to describe them is fair, kind, and professional. Don't be fooled by the other attorneys who only want your money. By far the best attorneys in Florida!" Marina B.
"I absolutely love this firm! It's personalized, you always have someone on the phone and you literally feel like family. They were always on top of my case and I felt supported the whole time my case was being settle. I got what I need it and what I deserved! Totally recommend them! They are the good attorneys for real!" Dora
"Wolfson & Leon took my case and did everything they said they were going to do followed up with me to let me know what was going on and were very professional and were able to win me a larger settlement then I anticipated. I give them five stars for excellent representation." Russ
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